Why use Oryx People ?
Oryx People are recognised as the leaders in Executive Search and Recruitment for the Automotive industry.
We also have considerable executive search experience at the C-Suite and Board Level outside automotive, both locally and internationally. This includes mandates in B2B and B2C industry segments including FMCG, NFP, Industrial, Consumer and Retail.
Our offering includes:
Total coverage of the Automotive and all related industries
A focus on the most Senior Executive and middle Management roles
- An unmatched team of Specialist Consultants
- Tailor made talent acquisition solutions for our business partners.
Career Assistance Package
As part of our ongoing effort to help those that have lost their jobs during the Covid 19 Pandemic, Oryx People can provide career assistance in the form of Self Awareness Packages which use propriety assessment software to deliver insights into where an individual work preference may lie, based on personality and motivational values. To find out more go to Career Assistance Package here